DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.

Phonetics Presentation.ppt 

3 Semester Credits
Fall 2011
Patrick R. Walden, PhD, CCC-SLP
Course Syllabus

A study of articulatory phonetics, broad and narrow transcription of American English (using the International Phonetic Alphabet); elements of dialects and accents.

The student will develop an understanding of  the role in of speech in human communication
Learning Outcomes:
1.The student will be able to explain the role of speech in human communication
2.The student will be able to describe how spoken language differs from written language.

The student will understand the need for a consistent writing system for recording speech
Learning Outcomes:
1.The student will be able to identify the basic speech sounds of English auditorily.
2.The student will be able to explain why a phonetic alphabet is necessary for recording speech and capturing dialectal and individual differences in speech (that is, why orthographic alphabetic systems are not adequate)

The student will be able to identify the basic units of speech and be able to identify how they are produced and described
Learning Outcomes:
1.The student will be able to identify the basic anatomy and functions of the speech mechanism.
2.The student will be able to describe the articulatory bases for classifying sounds.
3.The student will be able to identify and to discriminate auditorily among speech-sound variations.
4.The student will compare and contrast American English Phonetics with that of another language.

IV.    The student will be able to identify, discriminate, and transcribe the speech of typical speakers using the International Phonetic Alphabet.
Learning Outcomes:
1. The student will be able to use the International Phonetic Alphabet both to record the speech of typical speakers
2. The student will be able to read transcriptions of American English speech, including those of speakers of dialects other than those of the New York Metropolitan dialect region.

This course uses blackboard as a means to meet online as well as to communicate with each other. If you do not know about blackboard or do not fully understand how to use it, please see me and we can go over its use. YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO SUCCESSFULLY COMPLETE THIS COURSE WITHOUT KNOWING HOW TO ACCESS AND USE BLACKBOARD!!!!

http://www.asha.org – Website for the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association

http://www.sil.org- The Summer Institute of Linguistics. Here is where you download your IPA fonts for Microsoft Word. 

http://www.uiowa.edu/~acadtech/phonetics/ - University of Iowa. Animated phonetic sounds in English, German and Spanish.

Learning only happens when you take an active role. It is important to place more emphasis on developing your insights and skills rather than transmitting information. Knowledge is more important than facts and definitions. It is a way to of looking at the world, an ability to interpret and organize future information. An active learning approach will more likely result in long-term retention and better understanding because you make the content of what you are learning concrete and real in your own mind. Although an active role can look different for various individuals, it is expected in class that you will work to explore issues and ideas under the guidance of those around you (instructor and your colleagues). You can do this by reflecting on the content and activities of this course. During class we will strive to clarify, supplement, and analyze the things you are reading. We will learn much more about the content based on your opinions, knowledge, and experience and you are strongly encouraged to contribute to the class sessions. You are responsible for all assigned reading and all materials- whether presented in class or not

You are expected to attend all scheduled class sessions. In the event you miss a class, it is your responsibility to make arrangements with your colleagues to review the session and obtain materials that you did not get. Unexpected events do occur and I will make every effort to make alternate arrangements for make-up assessments after receiving the necessary documentation to excuse your absence. I will NOT arrange any make-up for an absence that is not documented sufficiently to be excused. If you can’t document your absence, you will not be able to make up the assignment. Also, LOOK AT and USE the course schedule. You know in advance when assignments are due and when you have a test/quiz. Schedule your absences around those times. The prospect of pop quizzes is likely. Pop quizzes cannot be made up unless there is a documented, excused absence.

Communication is an important part of a smoothly running course. In this course, we will use Blackboard software to communicate. ANY communication CONCERNING THIS COURSE should be sent through blackboard (either on a discussion board or the mail function). Anything else you need to speak with me about can be sent to my stjohns.edu email address. DO NOT SEND EMAIL TO ME REGARDING THIS COURSE UNLESS YOU USE BLACKBOARD’S MAIL FUNCTION!!!!!
Further, you are expected to check blackboard daily for any announcements, mail messages, or discussions taking place. You are responsible for all communications sent via blackboard. That means, I am going to assume that you check blackboard regularly and are using it to communicate with me.

This course contains five forms of assessment: Content Quizzes (2 Quizzes), a Midterm, one group project, participation, and a Final Exam. NO LATE WORK WILL BE ACCEPTED. If you are going to miss a class, your work needs to be handed in BEFORE you miss the class. NO EXCEPTIONS.

Content Quizzes (20 points total of your grade: 10 points for each quiz)
There will be 2 content quizzes throughout the semester (see the course schedule in this syllabus). These quizzes will cover content from the course including both theory and practical information from the activities we complete in class. Quizzes will cover all information presented up until the point of the quiz. Be sure to use the course schedule to make sure you are studying the correct information. The second quiz is cumulative. 

Midterm and Final (40 points total of your grade: 20 points for each exam)
You will have a midterm examination in class (see course schedule). The exam covers all content covered both in class and your readings prior to the midterm. NO MAKE UPS. One final examination will be held at the end of the course. The exam will cover all information in the course, including dictated transcriptions. *The exact date and time of the exam will be announced in class.

Group Project (30 points total of your grade)
In groups (group assignments to be determined during class), you will complete a project in which you will choose one regional American dialect and present its characteristics to the class AND in written format to the course instructor. Written papers will use the American Psychological Association’s 6th edition of the APA’s guide to style.

Participation (10 points total of your grade)
Participation in this course is a necessity for you to master course concepts and skills. Therefore, participation consists of the following 4 components which will be handed in as a packet (see course schedule). Remember that I may ask for any of these components at any point in the semester. Not keeping up with the work will lower your participation grade. A pop quiz is likely at any time during the semester.

DRAFT: This module has unpublished changes.