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 6 Minute Mini Lesson Video: 






Letter of Recommendation _ Jhoanny Perez.docx








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Ms. Perez Teaching Philosophy 


  Education should be of high quality (fun, engaging, challenging, inspire creativity)  for students of all races, ages, backgrounds, skills, and special needs. Learning should take place independently, in pairs, in groups and encouraged to be taught by students to other students. Leadership roles in the classroom shape students into the leaders of tomorrow. Students should be taught emotional intelligence, coping skills, mental health awareness, and social skills.  Students should feel safe, listened to, challenged and loved in the classroom environment.

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Classroom Management Plan


 Classroom expectations: 


 For behavioral and academic  expectations I set clear norms on posters from the very  beginning and refer back to them all year when necessary. My students will be expected to respect one another, speak one at a time and listen when others are speaking. My students will be expected to follow directions silently and the first time. My students will be expected to raise their hands to participate, to use the bathroom, drink water, sharpen pencils  and get up from their seats to ask teachers any questions. When working in groups my students will be expected to talk in the voice level directed to 

them by me. For example, voice level zero is silent, voice level one is whispering, voice level two is discussing with partner without yelling and voice level three is group discussions. I developed this these procedures from observing  my co-teachers and coach in my teaching academy. I will ensure to communicate how each procedure is done on the first week of school. We will have pretend practice time where I will explain to my students what the protocol or procedure is, why it is important and how it connects to their potential as scholars and future college students. In the routines and 

procedures practice I will ensure that students follow directions, know exactly how to do the routine and that it is done as quickly as possible, because “Quick is King” (Lemov & Atkins, 2015). I think it’s paramount to ensure that it is done as quickly as possible for it  saves time in the school year that can be used for instructional purposes.  In order to achieve this I will set timers to see in how many seconds the routine was done, and repeat it again to beat the time and achieve the routine in less time. 


How will procedures be done:


 In my procedures my directions will always be formed in Lemov and Arkins, (2015) p. 362  simplicity approach: showing  students the simplest way to carry out a procedure:  the quieter  way to give directions for a routine which states, Lemov and Arkins (2015) p. 363 explains that “Little Narration required” is a way of setting up a procedure with less words, to give teachers more breathing space throughout the day and promote autonomy in students. 




  Transitions have to be set in place in order to move from one activity to another. Transitions in my classroom will be sequential. They will be composed of a number of steps that have to be broken down for students (Lemov & Arkins, 2015 p. 366). These steps according to Arkins have should be point to point movement. For example, in my teaching academy before five minutes before the bell rings students are called table by table to line up. Then they are asked to go outside the door and wait by the staircase. And Finally, they are directed to go to the next floor and stop, and onto the following 

floor and the next until they have reached the cafeteria. 


Teaching the procedures and routines:


  I will model and describe my procedures and routines. In page 367 of Lemov and  Arkins (2015) it illustrates the example of the teacher who sets the expectation of students raising their hands in order to participate. The teacher proceeds to demonstrate what raising one's hand would look like. She raises a “vertical hand”. I see the importance of being clear in how do these routines look like and what does  it mean to raise my hand , this technique will help be culturally inclusive of those students 

who might assume raising their hand is questioning authority or better yet that raising their elbow is what the teacher meant by “raise your hands”. 


  In my classroom I will use pretend practice. Pretend practice is a way for students to learn the routine,  and master it. Students need enough opportunity to practice and be given feedback of their execution of routines and procedures (Lemov & Arkins, 2015 p.368). When students don’t comply and fail to perform a routine efficiently, I will have them “Do it again” Lemov and Arkins (2015) p. 373.  It’s better to have students go back into the room and line up again, even if it has to repeated several times because it builds strong culture and discipline. 


   In my classroom to set  high behavioral expectations I will use three techniques from Lemov and Arkins (2015). Firstly, I will use Lemov and Arkins (2015) p.393 “Make compliance visible” and “Be seen looking” become very important in setting high behavioral expectations. Students should notice that regardless of where the teacher is, she or he can see what they are doing. Second, when students are expected to be working silently and independently I can use the “Be seen looking” as  a way to remind 

my students that I am looking. Third,  I will use Lemov and Arkins (2015) p. 395 “least invasive intervention” to keep drama to a low, and use  least invasive techniques to correct off-task behaviors. And last, I will guide myself in Arkins “Art of the consequence” consequences are  a learning opportunities that encourage  good behavior. 


  To ensure that all routines and procedures are culturally inclusive I will give my students the opportunity to have a say in establishing them. I will have the norms and procedures posted so that students have a visual, and I will include some pictures and multilingual postures to help English language learners and those who retain more from pictures. When introducing a routine I will start a discussion asking the  student I have from other countries, what the proper procedure would look like in classrooms back at home. 





                                                Works Cited: 

Flannery, M.E. (2015, September 9). When Implicit Bias Shapes Teachers Expectations. Retrieved from



Gay, G. (2002). Preparing for Culturally Responsive Teaching. Journal of Teacher Education, 53(2), 106–116. https://doi.org/10.1177/0022487102053002003


Gay, G. (2000). Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice. Retrieved from https://eric.ed.gov/?id=ED441932

Hammond, Z. (2015, June 1). Is Implicit Bias Racist. Three things every  teacher should know about implicit bias and the brain. Retrieved from


Michie, G. (2014, July 22). On the Importance of Mirrors for Students (and Teachers). Retrieved from     https://www.huffingtonpost.com/gregory-michie/on-the-importance-of-mirr_b_5604494.html

Lemov, D. and Atkins, N. (2015). Teach like a champion. San Francisco, Calif.: Jossey-Bass.

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Subject area: ELA 

Grade Range: 1-3 


Objective: Students will be able to identify author's purpose: by remembering the acronym PIE (Persuade, Inform, Entertain). Students will  learn to look for clues that help them discover if the author is persuading , informing or entertaining in example reading passages. 

Key Points


1- Students will learn that the three most common reasons (purposes) why authors write. 

2- Students will learn a rap song that helps them remember key words for analyzing author's intent. 

3- Students will be able to identify clues in the text that identity what the author's purpose is. 

Plan your lesson

What materials will you need to prepare ahead of time? 

1- “Author's Purpose, as easy as PIE” Poster. 

2- “PIE Song” Poster.

3-  Handout with PIE Chart, PIE Rap Lyrics and two fill in the blank passages identifying author's purpose. 


What you are doing 

What students are doing 


Introduce yourself, grade and ELA

Ask students  to turn to page one of their handout. 


Introduce topic theme,  Author’s purpose is as Easy as PIE! 

 P is for Persuading, I is for Informing, E is for Entertaining.

 Mini- Lesson-Explain your key points or skills to students and then have them practice with the information.  ( 3-4 Minutes)

Ask students to refer back again  to the lower portion of page one of their handout to the PIE song. 

Ask the students to repeat the rap song after me when I point to them.  

Ask students to turn to page two of their handout. 

Ask students to volunteer to read the  example on page two, the “Let’s Practice”  activity.

 Ask students who can volunteer to tell me which of PIE it is. 

Ask students why that is the answer.

Closing - sum up your lesson and check if students have mastered the objective. (30 sec - 1 minute). 

Ask students to turn to page three of their handout. 

I read the last example to the class, 

I ask students to first fill in the answer  in the blank. 

I count to three  all say out loud which of PIE it is!  

Restate “Now you know author's purpose is as easy as PIE!” 

How will students learn the objective? 

Students will be actively listening. 

Students will be actively listening and  all eyes will be on their teacher.

Students will repeat after me. 

Students quietly look to page bottom portion while listening to my instructions for this activity. 

The students first listen and then repeat  after me. 

Students follow directions quietly.

Students raise their hands to volunteer to read and offer the answer. 

Students raise their hands to volunteer and answer my question. 

Students raise their hands to volunteer and answer my question. 

Students follow directions quietly. 

Students listen actively to me reading the last example.

Students fill in the answer independently. 

 On the count of three students say the answer out loud. 

Students listen actively. 



Mini Lesson Handout

Ms. Perez

3rd Grade ELA



Author’s Purpose is as easy as PIE! P- Persuading, I- informing, E- Entertaining.

Pie Song

Instructions: First listen to the teacher sing, repeat after her. 


Key word!!!  Keyword is Persuading.  Persuading is to convince. Change my mind, change my mind! If you convince me I will buy.


Key word!!! Key word is Informing. I read and I learn, information and facts. 


Key word!!!! Key word  is Entertaining. Just for fun! Have an awesome time! Tells a story, very funny, jajaja! 

Lets Practice!

1- Instructions: Read this example and on the dotted line write what the author’s purpose is:  Persuade, Inform  or Entertain.



 Let's check your understanding!

1- Instructions: Listen to your teacher read this example, after your teacher is finished reading, on the count of three, call the answer out loud.




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Written: 02/01/2019

Vocab can be F-U-N mini lesson: by Ms. Perez 


Essential question/objective: Which strategies can I use to help me spell new vocabulary words? 


Students will be able to check off: 

  1.  I can name 2-3 spelling vocabulary strategies. 

  2.  I can show other students how my spelling strategy is done. 


Previous Knowledge: familiar with the words: vocabulary, studying, strategies. 


Vocabulary: apparent, beverage, blizzard, budge, cautiously, frigid, sluggish, spurt, strategy, visible. 


Teacher Actions 

Students Actions 


Teacher displays the objective for the lesson and the agenda on the smart board. Teacher objective: 

Teacher says: today our essential question or objective is “Which strategies can I use to help me spell vocabulary words. I know that many of you scored really well on the last spelling test, but we want you all to score really well. Raise your hands those of you who scored 7 or above? You will be my leaders for this lesson. You will help your other classmates if needed. 


I think it’s important to teach you all life skills, and one of them is strategies or ways that you can study to help you spell new words. 

Teacher walks to the back of the room to introduce posters and explain the gallery walk Do Now activity. 


Scaffold Previous Knowledge

Teacher says: First of all, let’s review what these words mean. Turn your seats towards the back so you can see, and raise your hand to participate. 


Teacher says: Who can tell me what “Vocabulary” is. 

Teacher writes down students answers on the poster. 

Teacher says: Who can tell me what “Strategy” is. 

Teacher writes students answers on poster. 

Teacher says: Who can tell me what Studying is. Teacher writes students answers on poster. 


Do Now: Gallery walk in the back of the classroom. 


Ok scholars today we are going to talk about strategies we can use to practice spelling new vocabulary words. 


I want you to listen to my instructions for our opening activity. We are going to do what's called a “gallery walk”  In the back you will see three posters, each where you will write your thoughts in a sticky note for each topic. When I call your table stand up, push your chairs in and as a group pick a poster. We will spend two minutes in each poster. When I say rotate you will go to the next poster. 

Raise your hand if you do not understand and  want me to model it for you. 



Teacher goes to one poster looks at the word, and writes silently on her sticky note, and parks it on the poster. There is no talking during this activity. Teacher pretends it’s time to “rotate” and she goes to the next poster. You will need your pencils and sticky notes. 


Give me a quiet thumbs up if you understand. 

Teacher calls each table one by one to walk towards the back and begin on a poster. 

Teacher says: you have two minutes to write what you think or feel about the word in your poster. 

After two minutes, teacher instructs students to rotate. 

Teacher says. You have two minutes to respond to this poster. 

Teacher ask students to rotate. 

Teacher says: this is your last poster, you have two minutes to respond. 


Group Share Out 

Teacher says: 

Ok. Great job. I want you all now to return to your tables, and stand behind your chairs. Give me a quiet  thumbs up when you are ready for my instructions. 


Teacher says: 

I’m going to read some of the responses everyone posted, and what I want you to do is listen to it first, if you agree with it stand on the right side where it says “agree”, if you disagree stand on the left side, and if you somewhat disagree or disagree stand in the middle. Raise your hand if you do not understand. 


Teacher reads 2-4 statements and waits to see what side of the room students choose. 

After each statement teacher instructs students to turn to their partner and discuss why. Students are allowed to speak in voice level 2. 

Teacher ask at least one student for each statement, to share out  loud why they agree or disagree by raising their hand. 

Teacher says: this activity is for you to see that your not alone. We all go through this. Studying and doing really good on quizzes takes practice. 



Play Flowcabulary video

& Mom youtube video

So I am going to two videos that is going to give you ideas on how to practice spelling. And I will give you paper so you can draw and take notes (6 minutes).

Take notes please you will need it for the last activity. 

Students track me speaking. Students are listening quietly sitting at their seats.  Students who scored 7 or higher on their last vocabulary quiz raise their hands. Students agree to me the teachers leaders for this lesson. 

Students track the teacher and listen quietly in their seats. 


Students listen quietly  to teachers instructions. 

Students turn their seats and attention to the back of the room and track the teacher. 


Students raise their hand to participate. Students answer the teacher's questions. 

Students raise their hand to participate. Students answer the teachers questions. 

Students raise their hand to participate. Students answer the teachers questions. 


Students are looking to the back of the room. 

Students are quietly listening to the teacher in their seats. 


Students turn their attention to the back of the room while still sitting quietly in their seats. 


Students raise their hand if they would like the teacher to model the gallery walk activity.  


Students watch the teacher model the activity with other teachers in the room. 


Students give a quiet thumbs up if they understand 

Students walk to the back of the room when their table is called. Students chose a poster to start in. 

Students take two minutes to stick a sticky note with their response. 

Students walk to the next poster. 

Students take two minutes to respond to the second poster. 

Students walk to the next poster. 

Students take two minutes to respond to the last poster. 


Students return to their tables and stand behind their chairs. Students give teacher a quiet thumbs up when they are ready for the teachers instructions. 


Students listen quietly to the teachers directions. Students look at the signs “agree” “disagree” and “somewhat agree or disagree ” students raise their hand if they do not understand. 



Students turn to a partner and share why they agree, disagree or somewhat agree and disagree. Students speak at voice level 2. 

Students raise their hand to share out loud why they agreed or disagreed with the statement read. 


Students quietly watch both videos and take notes. 

Materials needed:

Smartboard to write objective and agenda. 

Students: sticky notes, pencils. 

Teacher: 6 posters for do now gallery walk. 1 poster (cut in 3) for group share out agree, disagree activity. 6 posters for group exit activity. 

Markers, tape. 

For video: Flowcabulary web browsers, youtube web browser. Scrap paper for students to take notes. 

For Posters- Gallery Walk

Mom shows tricks 

Flowcabulary Video

Group work& exit ticket

Ok. I am going to form groups based on your tables. Each table will form a group. 

Teacher points at tables Group 1,2,3, 4,5,6. You will get a poster, some markers, and tape. 


Each poster has one vocabulary strategy from the videos we just watched. I want you as a group, to fill in the blanks: 

1- What is the strategy:

2- How do we practice it: Show is: draw it, write it. use the vocabulary words assigned for this week. Pick two words. 

The Vocabulary words are:

 apparent, beverage, blizzard, budge, cautiously, frigid, sluggish, spurt, strategy, visible. Which will be in your HW packet. 

Be ready to present it to the whole class. You can use your group work voice level 3. 

Give me a quiet thumbs up if you understand what your group is suppose to do. If not, raise your hand. Go! 


Teacher walks around to each table to help students. 



Teacher says: ok, quickly group 1,2,3,4,5,6: put up your poster on the wall and two of you take the lead to explain it to the class. 

Students quietly listen to my directions. 


Students receive their posters, strategies and tape (already printed for them). Students receive their Hw packet. 

Students give teacher a quiet thumbs up if they understand. Students raise their hand if they do not understand. 


Students start working together at their group tables, use markers to write: 

-What their strategy for practicing vocabulary words. How it is done (show it, draw it). Students present it to the class one by one. 

Students use a voice level 3 


Each table group takes turns presenting the studying strategy to the whole class. 






Handout Vocabulary Techniques:

  • Stairsteps: Write the words as if they are stairs, adding one letter at a time.







  • Karaoke: That karaoke machine can double as a super-fun spelling machine if you turn it on and allow your child to spell her words into it!

  • Tic-Tac-Toe: There are a ton of cool ways to play with this old game! Create a larger-sized board and play tic-tac-toe where each player uses a spelling word.OR, have each player use an ‘X’ or ‘O’ but in order to place a mark on the board, she has to spell a word correctly.

Water Paint: Use water and a paintbrush to water paint the spelling words.On a hot, sunny day, words disappear quickly—so spellers have to move fast!

  • Use Let them Sing it: Type in a spelling word on this site, and the word is sung back to your student.(This one is bound to get giggles!)


Chalkboard Race: Form two teams, with one player from each team holding a piece of chalk and standing at a designated spot about 10 feet from a chalkboard.Teacher calls out a word, and players run to the board and write the word correctly as quickly as possible. The winner finishes the word first and spells it correctly.

  • Use Spelling City: Head over to Spelling City, have your child type in the spelling words, and then he can learn the words, play games with them, and be tested. This site is a gem!

  • Spell and Eat: While making breakfast, lunch, or dinner, have your child spell a word, and after each word is spelled correctly, reward her with a small, healthy “treat” from your meal prep.



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