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Final Project - Data Analysis of Interest:


I was having trouble sticking with a suitable topic to present for this project. I tried to make a Haiti land and infrastructure restoration analysis however there was a lacking of data for the Earthquake damage and recovery statistics. I tried to make an analysis for communities that showed benefits for those on the Autism Spectrum in the U.S. by having an autism speaks office nearby and a U.S. Department of Health and Human Services support center nearby, but there was a lacking of data for this. I looked on Mapmuseum by Esri but did not know how I would integrate the variety of maps, that had no center to a topic of my interest, into one analysis.


I made a map to show how wealth distribution affects education. Though I was able to see some changes from a 5 year period from 1998 -2003 the data did not imply any specific changes due to wealth.


 I chose to just stick with what I know well so I chose to analyze how the New York city is planned for its population, which is what the gallery of images belows shows. I used data collected from UrbanObservatory and displayed on ArcGIS.


Yet, this was not a topic I had enough background history to present at the moment. So what I did do is make a presentation based on how agricultural industrialization has affected human health. That is something I've gained enough knowledge to make an informed argument on, so I've posted the video to the presentation below.



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